Sunday, November 16, 2008

Project 365: Days 35 through 45

Day 35: November6, 2008 Dream House

I pass this house sometimes on the way to or from a client. It is not too big, but just looks like it would be the homiest cottage ever...

Day 36: November 7, 2008

My original goal with this one was to take close ups of the leaves on this tree. The problem, sometimes Mother Nature says eff-you to your plans, and whips up a little wind, splashing you with raindrops, and moving things around too much for your macro to work. So, plan B, throw on a little lipstick, and do a self portrait.

Day 37: November 8, 2008
The people tailgating next to us that day had quite a spread, including, you guessed it, king crab legs. This one is apparently attempting a speedy getaway.

Day 38: November 9, 2008

I barely took any pictures during Fantasy Thanksgiving (I was frying whole chickens, go figure), but I did catch this snap of Dwight and Abbi blowing out their candles.

Day 39: November10, 2008
It was a full moon, and I decided to break out the tripod for some moonscapes. I especially like the laciness of the branches.

Day 40: November 11, 2008
I finally found new boots that fit over my calves! Yeah!

Day 41: November 12, 2008

Decided to snap a pic of the charger before we returned it. Fun to drive, but a beast, and helped convince me I miss small cars...

Day 42: November 13, 2008
I promise I will find somewhere else to take pictures

Day 43: November 14, 2008
I broke out the photo cube again today, in anticipation of taking pictures of new jewelry. Hey, and by the way, this thing actually works! Yeah! I looks like a light saber! Yeah for "as seen on TV".

Day 44: November 15, 2008
This picture is quite crappy, and I'm not sure why...

Day 45: November 16, 2008
That's more like it. I fancied up a chain to hang this pendant on. It is quite large, and can handle something substantive. I just need to figure out the bail.

So, I am caught up now. Whoohoo. I have decided to add a new rule for myself (hey, you guys have played games with me, you know I am the rules Queen!), each week one of my pictures has to be of a newly fabricated piece of jewelry. There, I've done it, and come full circle. I originally started this as a place showcase my jewelry, and now I will force myself to do that again! That's all for now, back to my little wire sweatshop!


  1. The cottage... is that on Dryden, up on the Bernardsville Mountaintop?

  2. It is in Bernardsville, by the golf club. I'm terrible with road names, but I am pretty sure it is on Dryden. Good eyes... I am expecting an order of protection, I always drive by it so slowly, it is probably pretty creepy and maybe even slightly menacing.
