So, where to start? The holidays are over, thankfully. I have a love-hate relationship with November through January 1. I love being with friends and family, I love the challenge of finding good gifts. Christmas Eve is the one time a year that we entertain. I hate that I have to clean my house up, but I love showing the people around me that they matter by feeding them. I'm a control challenged person (spoken like a true freak) so I get to feeling overwhelmed, when all I'd have to do is ask for a helping hand. Anyway, enough of this weird self pity part of this entry.
Anyway, the turducken took the most time ever to cook in the 3 or 4 years we have done them for Christmas eve. But when you eat at 2:00 am Christmas morning, it's really Christmas breakfast, isn't it? The shame of it is, that I tried very hard this year to get the dang thing on the table at a reasonable hour, and failed. I do have a new plan for next year, so who knows, maybe it will actually be dinner on Christmas Eve for 2008
Also in December, I've been working on my photography skills. I seem to be improving, but I think that my camera may be holding me back a little bit. I don't think the macro is as good as I really need to take the close-up shots necessary.
I'm also working out a way to frame those gemstone donuts that are so easy to find, yet, what the heck do you do with them. I think I've figured out an Etruscan feeling type of setting for these challenging little baubles. Pictures to follow. I had technical problems with my jewelers saw, and had to deal with those before I could finish.
Oh, here are some pictures from the show my sister did. I was disapointed about no christmas tree on the ceiling, but everything still looked lovely.
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